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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Craft Show Countdown

Four days until my first craft show of the year. Am I ready? No flippin' way. I have no idea what to expect because I've never done this one before. I guess there are only about ten tables, so there certainly won't be a lot of competition. It's at a Snowmobile Fest, so I really have no idea what to expect. Perhaps people will buy out of boredom. I would certainly be bored at a snowmobile fest. There is a pancake feed during the craft show, I believe. I have to drive an hour to get there, so it better be worth my while. I'm bringing a larger quantity of my lower priced items; my $10-$15. I'm hoping that is the way to go. I'll bring some of the higher priced stuff, but I'll put out more of the lower priced items. I'll also be testing out my new display. I bought this three tiered thing for holding plates, but I'm going to use it for holding necklace boards. I hope it works and doesn't tip over. I've also got some neat chinese-knotted turquoise and Tagua Nut pendants that are really unique. Will they be too unique for Northern Wisconsin? We'll see.

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